How do I change or cancel a reservation?

Submit a request from our support center and one of our friendly agents will contact you to help take care of your request within 24 hours. If you’re too close to your reservation, you should contact your airline directly to check on their cancellation policy.

Why am I getting a message that says my chosen fare is no longer available?

Airlines often offer certain rates for certain seats or flights and once they’re sold, they’re gone.. Although rare, if you see this message, it means someone else got that fare before you did. Just search again and you should be able to book a different seat or flight with no issue.

What is MyVoiceTravel's refund policy?

Because MyVoiceTravel works with many airlines, refund policies vary based on the individual carrier. So you should check the refund policies of the airline you’re booking with. You can also get help from one of our friendly agents by submitting a support request.

Do prices include Taxes and Fees?

Our prices include all applicable taxes and/or fees. This doesn’t include any optional fees like seat upgrades, checked baggage, pet fees, etc. Contact your airline if you have any of these types of fees or add-ons after you’ve booked.

Are baggage fees included in air tickets?

No, they’re not. Check the “Mini-Rules” for your flight to see what your flight’s baggage allowances look like.

How do I search for a ticket for my child?

You can select the number of child passengers with our handy drop-down menu when searching for your flights.

How do I book a flight for someone else?

Booking for others is easy on MyVoiceTravel, but you’ll want to make sure that the passenger details EXACTLY match the traveler’s ID. Spelling “Ann” as “Anne” or “Geoff” as “Jeff” will cause headaches for this person when it comes time to fly. Plus, if you need to edit the traveler information later will often incur extra ticket editing fees.


How do I change or cancel a reservation?

Submit a request from our support center and one of our friendly agents will contact you to help take care of your request within 24 hours. If you’re too close to your reservation, you should contact your hotel directly to check on their cancellation policy.

Why am I getting a message that says my chosen rate is no longer available?

Hotels often offer certain rates for certain rooms and once they’re sold, they’re gone. Although rare, if you see this message, it means someone else got that rate before you did. Just search again and you should be able to book a different room or hotel with no issue.

What is MyVoiceTravel's refund policy?

Because MyVoiceTravel works with many hotels, refund policies vary based on the individual hotel. So you should check the refund policies of the hotel you’re booking with. You can also get help from one of our friendly agents by submitting a support request.

Do prices include Taxes and Fees?

Our prices include all applicable taxes and/or fees. This doesn’t include any optional fees like room service, mini-bar, pet fees, etc. Contact your hotel if you have any of these types of fees or add-ons after you’ve booked.


How do I create an account?

Click Login at the top of the page and then click Register link. Enter your information and click “Submit”

Where can I find detailed information on my bookings?
Go to Profile in the menu at the top of the page. Scroll down to “Upcoming Trips” and click the plus sign (+) to open your trip information. You can click “View Details” to see more detailed information on your booking.
How do I change the email in my MyVoiceTravel account?
Go to Profile in the menu at the top of the page, and click the link that says “Change my email address” to change your email and add other profile information that will make booking travel in the future faster and easier. Once you’ve made your updates, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the blue “Update” button.
How do I set my home airport to autofill on future searches?
Just go to Profile in the menu at the top of the page, and scroll to the bottom of the page. Click “Edit my profile” and scroll to the last form field in the list. Begin typing your city and choose your airport from the list that appears. Click the blue “Update” button.
How do I change my password?
Simple! Go to Profile in the menu at the top of the page, and scroll down to the “Current Password” form field. Enter your current password and then enter your desired new password in the two form fields below. scroll to the bottom of the page and click the blue “Update” button.
What if I don't remember my password?
Click Login at the top of the page and then click Lost your password link. Enter your username or email address and you will receive a link to create a new password via email.